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/ Cream of the Crop 21 / Cream of the Crop 21 (Terry Blount) (October 1996).iso / program / tmlwgtsn.zip / TOOLS.DFM / TOOLS.txt
Text File  |  1996-05-29  |  3KB  |  120 lines

  1. object frmTMLTools: TfrmTMLTools
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  5.   Height = 384
  6.   Caption = 'TML Widgets Copyright Winflex Data Solutions 1996.'
  7.   Font.Color = clWindowText
  8.   Font.Height = -13
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  29.   object Panel1: TPanel
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  50.     object BitBtn2: TBitBtn
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  63.     end
  64.   end
  65.   object MainMenu1: TMainMenu
  66.     Left = 1
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  68.     object Edit1: TMenuItem
  69.       Caption = '&Edit'
  70.       object Cut1: TMenuItem
  71.         Caption = 'Cu&t'
  72.         OnClick = Cut1Click
  73.       end
  74.       object Copy1: TMenuItem
  75.         Caption = '&Copy'
  76.         OnClick = Copy1Click
  77.       end
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  79.         Caption = '&Paste'
  80.         OnClick = Paste1Click
  81.       end
  82.       object SelectAll1: TMenuItem
  83.         Caption = '&Select All'
  84.         OnClick = SelectAll1Click
  85.       end
  86.     end
  87.     object Format1: TMenuItem
  88.       Caption = 'For&mat'
  89.       object Font1: TMenuItem
  90.         Caption = '&Font...'
  91.         OnClick = Font1Click
  92.       end
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  95.   object OpenDialog1: TOpenDialog
  96.     Filter = 'International Ini Files (*.Ini)|*.Ini'
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  98.     Title = 'Open International File'
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  101.   end
  102.   object SaveDialog2: TSaveDialog
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  118.   end
  119. end